'This is the full showcase of Warframe Creator depths\'s 13th Warframe Fashion show - Celebrating almost two years of Warframe\'s BIGGEST live-streamed monthly fashion frame contests with an audience-voted theme of \"Factions.\" This video will be cross-posted on our other channel, Warframe Atelier for archive purposes. Many thanks to everyone who participated in this over 1,000 plat showcase on January 28, 2022. We judged around 40 entries this time around, as well as Discord entrants for console players. These clips were taken directly from [Warframe Creator] depths\'s stream. Players can enter upcoming contests through twitch.tv/depths
Tags: Gameplay , games , warframe , fashion frame , tennogen , content creator , Warframe Gameplay , warframe fashion frame , Digital Extremes , destiny 2 , warframe fashion , wisp , mesa prime fashion frame , warframe community , Warframe Fashion Show , warframe wisp fashion frame , Community Fashion , duviri paradox , community fashion frame , warframe crossplay , Warframe Community Fashion Frame , warframe cross save , warframe 2022 , WARFRAME CROSS PLAY , warframe arsenal , warframe vtuber , c9 depths
See also: